Monday, April 11, 2016

Anderson James

I can't believe it's been a month... 

Anderson is the perfect baby and I'm not just saying that because I'm his mom. James and I find it so interesting that we can spend hours just looking at him and it doesn't get old. Here's a little about him:

Height: 20 3/4" 

Weight: 8 lbs, 1 oz

Clothing size: Still in newborns and some 0-3 month (they are still a little big on him) 

Diaper size: Still in newborns 

Nickname: Because he is so new and his personality is just now starting to come in he 
hasn't really inherited any nicknames but Anders is a simple one from shortening his name. 

Sleep: Sleeping is one of his favorite things to do during the day. He can sleep and cuddle all day but between 11:00 P.M. and 1:00 A.M. is the hardest time for him. We are working on that, but for now I pretty much just nap with him whenever I have time. 

Likes: Eating, Sleeping(during the day), The sound of our kitchen faucet, Sleeping at night only on mom, Bath Time, Tummy Time, Cuddling, Eating, Throwing up on dad before he leaves for school and sucking on his Wubbanub.

Dislikes: Sleeping at night, Getting his diaper changed, Getting dressed and undressed, Being swaddled with his arms down, Getting out of the bath. 

Milestones: Anderson is so strong! He has been holding his neck up from the beginning and he can push himself up to a standing position when you hold him on your stomach. He does lots of tummy time and he has started to coo more and more. We are loving it!!

When Anderson cries he also makes a little squeak that sounds kind of wheezy and it's the most adorable thing I've ever heard. But i have noticed that his newborn cry is already starting to change and its making me so so sad. 


We are so in love! I don't think I can say that enough. Our lives have changed for the better. Motherhood is the best thing that has happened to me. Although I get frustrated from the loss of sleep during the night I can't imagine life with out my little baby boy! 

I will be updating so much more often (fingers crossed). My excuse before was being pregnant and tired but hopefully now I can find time throughout the day between naps, feeding and laundry to get better at posting. 

Thank you for taking the time to read. I hope you enjoyed it. 

I'll love you forever, I'll like you for always. As long as i'm living my baby you'll be!
Newborn photos:Dawn Mitchell


Sunday, April 10, 2016

Baby M

Hello beautiful people. I wanted to update you on my pregnancy so far. We have finally made it to the third and last trimester. It has been a fast pregnancy considering we found out we were pregnant at day 5. We are slowly getting baby boy's room together and it's making me more and more excited to meet this little wiggle worm. I haven't been too sick and the morning sickness was only for a few weeks in the beginning and only at night. Going on a 13 hour drive during that time to Oregon was not the smartest but definitely worth it.

We still have so much to get done. It's crazy!

I'm 36 weeks now. Can you believe it? This was such a busy weekend. My baby shower was such a success! I got so many cute hand-made things, the most adorable outfits, and the decorations were better than I could have imagined!! My sister in laws did such a good job and I can't thank them enough. I also got my maternity pictures taken by my very talented sister in law Kelsey. We had a very nice hike in the canyon. We're both very pregnant and I was in sandals and a dress... The things you gotta do for the perfect photoshoot! I can now say I am ready to pack my hospital bag and feel confident that we have everything we need for baby M. 

M A R C H 9th 2 0 1 6 DUE DATE......

Well my due day has come and gone and still no little boy.. March 9th was just not his day. I had a doctors appointment on the 10th and he still wasn't ready to come so after that appointment I naturally went to The Nordstrom Rack grand opening cause what else would I do?? I also went for two walks, bounced on my work out ball and this little guy just wasn't ready to come out. 
I woke up March 11th at 5:30 A.M. and thought that my water had broken. So what did I do? Got ready cause baby boy was going to meet his mom and I wanted to look perfect for him. I woke James up once I was done to let him know to grab the bags because it was time to go. We got to the hospital at 6:30 and sadly my water didn't break but because I was so swollen they ran a few tests and decided it was time to induce me because I was 40 weeks and 2 days. James and I got breakfast in anticipation of a long day. 

9:43 P.M. and baby M was here! 8.0 pounds, 20"inches long. I pushed for an hour and twenty minutes but it didn't really feel that long. We still had no name for him but that wasn't even on our mind at that moment. We were just so in love with this beautiful little boy. 

Second day in the hospital he finally got a name. Anderson James Mitchell. What a perfect little guy he is. We are so beyond happy with our little family of three. 

Thank you for taking the time to read!

Maternity Photos: Kelsey Mitchell
Birth Video/ Photos:Hanna Owens
