Monday, January 16, 2017


Clothing size: Anderson is in 9-12 month clothes but can squeeze into 6-9 month clothes if he needs to.  

Diaper size: Size Three! We love the LUVS brand.

Nickname: Papas, Bupas, Bubbas, Bub, Bud, Bilbo, Bilby, Ders, and Anders.

Sleep: We are sleeping through the night! Anderson loves his sleep from 11:00 pm to 7:00 am wakes up to eat and goes right back to sleep till 10:00 am and then he wakes up to eat again and sometimes we can put him right back down till 1:00 pm.

Likes: Anderson LOVES getting into everything! He crawls around and thinks everything is a fun new toy. He is super fast and very strong. Anderson can pull himself up on chairs, the edge of the couch and walk around and he loves to be able to move from one end to the other especially when mom and dad are sitting on it. He just wants to be where everyone is. He loves all the baby food and his puffs, but nothing beats mamas milk!!! Anderson knows exactly when its time to snuggle up with mom and eat! Tubby time has always been a favorite but now that he can move around and play with toys its even more exciting for him. Anderson got a walker and has loved being able to get around in a new way. 

Dislikes: Anderson doesn't have very many dislikes and I'm not just saying that. He's a very happy and content little guy. Sometimes he'll get upset while getting dressed and when he is HUNGRY he gets really HANGRY!!! But who doesn't.... 

Anderson celebrated his very first Christmas! We had so much fun seeing his reaction to opening presents and trying all the good food. We got the OK from his doctor to start giving him some table foods and Anderson is IN LOVE. He cannot get enough of mom and dad's food. It has also made it nice when James and I are eating and we can just give him some of our food and not have to eat really fast just to feed him. Anderson got to go on another airplane ride to see both sets of grandparents and he did AMAZING! He had everyone laughing when we landed back in Utah it was so fun to see him having a good time. 

Anderson's first Gomez family tradition Santa mall picture. He did so good and wasn't scared at all. Fingers crossed that he doesn't get scared when he gets older. 

Anderson giving a big hug to his aunt Halie. They got to bond a little more over this Christmas break. Its so fun seeing each relationship Anderson has with all of his family. 

Second Gomez family tradition is Christmas pj's! Anderson loved this part of the day because this is the closest he had been to a Christmas tree and was actually allowed to touch it. I cannot believe that my baby is already NINE months old. Time needs to slow down a little. 

Christmas pj photos: halakayperspectives (Facebook Page)
hala.kay.perspectives.17 (Instagram Page)



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